Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers
If you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Our experienced team of attorneys at Chandler McNulty LLP is dedicated to protecting your rights as an injured victim and will stop at nothing to ensure you gain the compensation you need. For a free, no-obligation consultation, contact us at (713) 997-8310 today.
How an Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Could Help
It is undoubtedly a wise choice to have a lawyer by your side if opting to file a lawsuit for your injury. A traumatic brain injury attorney can advise you in many ways during the legal process and lay out all of the potential avenues of compensation you may get that will help you have a healthy recovery. A Texas brain injury lawsuit can recover medical expenses, whether it be hospital costs, surgical costs, or ambulance costs. In addition to this, a successful lawsuit can recover:
- Lost wages (due to missed time at work)
- Rehabilitation costs (physical therapy and related expenses)
- Property damage (destruction, damage, or loss of property)
- Diminished earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
Having an experienced attorney fight on your behalf can only increase the chance that you recover compensation.
Chandler McNulty LLP Has The Experience You Need On Your Side
When you speak with one of our knowledgeable attorneys at Chandler McNulty LLP, you will be informed of all of your options and be able to formulate the best plan of action as you recover. Often, an effective method of gaining compensation in a traumatic brain injury lawsuit incorporates a life care plan that ensures that you are well taken care of for the rest of your life.
Our attorneys at Chandler McNulty LLP have a proven track record of success, and we can help you every step of the way. Along with our attorneys’ legal expertise, we consult a variety of professionals to get a thorough and accurate assessment of your circumstances and determine the best approach for your case. Contact us at (713) 997-8310 to learn more about how we can help you.
Cases We Handle
Our firm handles traumatic brain injury cases frequently, and for each case, we make sure we get to know our clients and their situation through and through. We do this because of the severe nature of traumatic brain injuries, which can affect people in ways both dramatic and not as evident. The symptoms of a brain injury can vary widely depending on the injury’s severity, as well as the area of the brain that was injured. For instance, an injury to the area of the brain that controls language can affect the victim in their ability to read, write, speak, or even understand others. Our attorneys will take all of the individual circumstances of your injury into account as we work to gain you the compensation that you are entitled to.
Some of the most common causes of brain injuries include:
- Car accidents
- Truck Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Bike Accidents
- Slips, trips, or falls
- Falls from elevation
- Workplace accidents
- Falling objects
- Medical malpractice
In some cases, we deal with clients who suffer injuries as a result of the negligence of another driver. In fact, auto accidents are known to be the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries in the United States. In auto accidents, injuries can occur from the impact of the head against objects such as a windshield. Even when there isn’t a direct impact, a collision’s force may cause the victim’s brain to move erratically in their head. Brain injuries are more likely to occur in accidents in which the impact is on the side, as these cases are more likely to cause one’s head to strike the window. Airbags also carry a risk of being defective. Defective airbags that are deployed have a risk of causing brain injuries in cases where passengers would be otherwise unharmed in a collision.
Another category of cases we deal with is medical malpractice. Medical malpractice lawsuits can be filed against hospitals, physicians, nurses, or other medical professionals that have made errors resulting in traumatic brain injuries. A major medical case that can lead to traumatic brain injuries is mistakes during childbirth. For instance, a necessary c-section that is not carried out on time can be problematic for the health of the baby. Also, errors in vaginal childbirth can also cause TBIs to newborns.
While unfortunate, it is possible that even with the best medical care, a traumatic brain injury can occur. These circumstances are distinguished from ones that constitute medical malpractice, however, by the fact that a medical professional can sometimes avoid a traumatic brain injury or reduce its severity by merely showing a reasonable standard of care when caring for a patient.
Traumatic Brain Injuries: By The Numbers
Brain injuries remain a serious issue for American citizens to be wary of. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 138 people die from traumatic brain injuries each day on average. In a year, approximately 2.5 million people are affected by traumatic brain injuries in the United States. Statistics indicate that in the United States, two of the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries are falls and traffic accidents. There is an average of 235,000 hospitalizations a year for traumatic brain injuries. Other alarming statistics include:
- Each year, the onset of long-term or lifelong disabilities stemming from traumatic brain injuries is experienced by 80,000 to 90,000 people.
- Males are the victim of 78.8% of reported traumatic brain injuries, while 21.2% of traumatic brain injuries affect females.
- National statistics estimate that motor vehicle accidents cause 50-70 percent of cases of traumatic brain injuries.
- The mortality rate for traumatic brain injuries is roughly 30 per 10,000 individuals, which amounts to an approximate 50,000 fatalities in the United States each year. In individuals whose cases are fatal, 50 percent die within the first two hours of their injury.
Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Injuries
Below is a list of frequently asked questions that we have compiled regarding the issue of traumatic brain injuries. We hope that this list is helpful to you in your case, but if you don’t see the answer you need here, call us for a free consultation at (713) 997-8310.
What is a traumatic brain injury?
A traumatic brain injury is a blow or a strike to the head that results in a disruption of the brain’s activity or performance. This separates this category of injuries from other head trauma, as not all blows or jolts result in a traumatic brain injury. There is a range of severity associated with traumatic brain injuries that leads to varying symptoms. For instance, a relatively “mild” case may lead to a brief change in mental state or consciousness. In contrast, a “severe” case can lead to an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia following the time of the injury.
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?
The Glasgow Coma Scale is a method used to help medical professionals gauge the level of consciousness of a person who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. This test is simple, reliable, and generally a useful indicator of prognosis for an individual’s recovery with a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. The responses of this test are organized into three categories, measuring the individual’s eye-opening, best verbal response, and best motor response. These categories are scored separately, then combined.
If I’ve suffered a TBI, what legal claim can I bring?
Depending on the particular circumstances of your injury, there are different legal claims that you can bring. Some scenarios would fall in the personal injury or premises liability categories, such as motor vehicle accidents, slip, and fall accidents, cases in which someone inflicts intentional harm. In some cases, there may even be a separate criminal charge associated with these scenarios. In cases in which brain injuries are caused by poor medical care, they may be brought as medical malpractice actions. This generally applies to any case in which physicians, nurses, technicians, or a hospital can be blamed for not meeting the reasonable standard of care they are held to as medical professionals, thus causing the brain injury, or allowing it to progress.
Contact a Brain Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury due to the negligence of another, Chandler McNulty LLP can help you get the compensation and justice you deserve. Our team of attorneys at Chandler McNulty LLP are here to help you in your time of need, and we will give you the skilled and knowledgeable representation that we are known for providing to all of our clients in Harris County. Contact us at (713) 997-8310 for a free consultation to discuss the best approach for your case.