Chandler McNulty LLP partner granted Diplomado in Mexican Public Law & Policy
Posted on Thursday, January 27th, 2022 at 10:23 pm
Trial lawyer Devin McNulty of Chandler McNulty LLP earned a Diplomado in Mexican law & policy from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). UNAM, widely considered to be the finest university in Latin America coupled with the University of Arizona School of Law to offer the Diplomado. Students in the year long program included current law students as well as working professionals such as Devin McNulty. Students attended classes in Spanish taught by illuminates such as sitting justices on the Supreme Court of Mexico and distinguished, world renowned professors from UNAM. Devin was honored to in the 1st class ever to be awarded a joint Diplomado from UNAM and the University of Arizona School of Law.
The University of Arizona School of Law included Devin McNulty in their news release congratulating all of the Diplomado recipients.
Chandler McNulty LLP partner granted Diplomado in Mexican Public Law & Policy